Dragon’s Blood : Love, protection, sexual potency, strengthens inventions potency.
Dragon’s Blood Sage Smudge
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When to Smudge
Whenever you need to re-balance your mental body (self-destructive/limiting thought patterns) or emotional body (fear, anger, depression), or when you desire to let go of/transform any negative
energy that is not for your highest joy that’s affecting you or your environment/reality or belongings and to embrace/ground new positive energies in to your being/reality.
Purpose of Smudging
Attracting positive energies to you.
Letting go of negative energies.
To create/enhance positive energy.
Spaces for healing and manifestation.
How to use:
Burn your Sage stick and let the smoke permeate and cleanse. Waft the sage smoke with the feather so that the smoke cleanses the entire room. Once done, snuff out the fire against an abalone shell, store away in included pouch and save for later use.
**Please make sure that a smudge stick is COMPLETELY out before leaving the area unattended**
Burning Instructions:
Light the wand from the top end and place the burning wand on a safe surface. Keep out of reach of children, animals and flammable material.
Setting Your Intention:
While you are saging your room or your jewelry, make sure that you keep a strong and focused intention in mind.
Cleansing Your Jewelry:
Your gemstones will work best when they are cleared and cleansed. So, cleanse and activate them often!How to cleanse your jewelry: Steadily hold your jewelry in the smoke of a burning Sage stick or Palo Santo stick until your piece becomes still.